

Hello! I am Vijay! I am a science and culture enthusiast focused on creating relationships through images!

You are probably here because you want images that represent nostalgia or a candid representation of your event. More importantly, someone who cares about creating a connection and forging relationships by telling your story.

That’s why I want to create a connection with you and create images that will keep you looking and remembering the feelings you felt during your event or portrait session.

When I was growing up, photographs were everywhere. I remember pointing and shooting a tiny handheld digital camera at Monticello on a school field trip in middle school. I tried to document everything, the plants, the structures, all of it. Knowing I can keep a record of something I saw blew my elementary school mind.

Fast forward to college, I went to the Newseum in Washington, DC for the first time. It was then I understand how images can create an impact and forge new relationships.

From then on, all the awkward family photos and the need to document everything that makes an impact, no matter how or small, began to make sense. Seeing other people become moved by images, feeling, and creating their own value from what they see in a picture, is eventually what got me into being a photo-story-based photographer.

Thank you for reaching out, I look forward to connecting with you!